標準庫 (CLI)的數據類型清單,是由ECMA-335標準所定義。通用語言架構在其標準庫中必須定義ECMA-335標準所規定的這些數據類型。
[編輯]Base Class 庫
[編輯]名字 | 命名空間 | 基類型 | CIL類型 | Assembly名 | Assembly版本 |
Action | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Action<T> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Action<T1, T2> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Action<T1, T2, T3> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Action<T1, T2, T3, T4> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
ApplicationException | System | System.Exception | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ArgumentException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ArgumentNullException | System | System.ArgumentException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ArgumentOutOfRangeException | System | System.ArgumentException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ArithmeticException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Array | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ArrayList | System.Collections | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ArrayTypeMismatchException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ASCIIEncoding | System.Text | System.Text.Encoding | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
AsyncCallback | System | System.Delegate | delegate | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Attribute | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
AttributeTargets | System | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
AttributeUsageAttribute | System | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
AutoResetEvent | System.Threading | System.Threading.EventWaitHandle | class | mscorlib | |
Boolean | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Byte | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Char | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
CharEnumerator | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
CLSCompliantAttribute | System | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
CodeAccessPermission | System.Security | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
CodeAccessSecurityAttribute | System.Security.Permissions | System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAttribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Comparer | System.Collections | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Comparer<T> | System.Collections.Generic | System.Object | class | mscorlib | |
Comparison<T> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
ConditionalAttribute | System.Diagnostics | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Console | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Convert | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Converter<TInput, TOutput> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
DateTime | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
DateTimeFormatInfo | System.Globalization | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
DateTimeStyles | System.Globalization | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
DBNull | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | |
Decoder | System.Text | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Delegate | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> | System.Collections.Generic | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.Enumerator | System.Collections.Generic | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.KeyCollection | System.Collections.Generic | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.KeyCollection.Enumerator | System.Collections.Generic | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.ValueCollection | System.Collections.Generic | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.ValueCollection.Enumerator | System.Collections.Generic | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
DictionaryEntry | System.Collections | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Directory | System.IO | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
DirectoryNotFoundException | System.IO | System.IO.IOException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
DivideByZeroException | System | System.ArithmeticException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
DuplicateWaitObjectException | System | System.ArgumentException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Encoder | System.Text | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Encoding | System.Text | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
EndOfStreamException | System.IO | System.IO.IOException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Enum | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Environment | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
EnvironmentPermission | System.Security.Permissions | System.Security.CodeAccessPermission | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
EnvironmentPermissionAccess | System.Security.Permissions | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
EnvironmentPermissionAttribute | System.Security.Permissions | System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
EqualityComparer<T> | System.Collections.Generic | System.Object | class | mscorlib | |
EventArgs | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
EventHandler | System | System.Delegate | delegate | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
EventResetMode | System.Threading | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | |
EventWaitHandle | System.Threading | System.Threading.WaitHandle | class | mscorlib | |
Exception | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ExecutionEngineException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
File | System.IO | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FileAccess | System.IO | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FileIOPermissionAccess | System.Security.Permissions | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FileIOPermissionAttribute | System.Security.Permissions | System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FileLoadException | System.IO | System.IO.IOException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FileMode | System.IO | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FileNotFoundException | System.IO | System.IO.IOException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FileShare | System.IO | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FileStream | System.IO | System.IO.Stream | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FlagsAttribute | System | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FormatException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Func<TResult> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Func<T, TResult> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Func<T1, T2, TResult> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Func<T1, T2, T3, TResult> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TResult> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TResult> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TResult> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, TResult> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
GC | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Guid | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | |
Hashtable | System.Collections | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IAsyncResult | System | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ICloneable | System | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ICollection | System.Collections | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ICollection<T> | System.Collections.Generic | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IComparable | System | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IComparable<T> | System | none | interface | mscorlib | |
IComparer | System.Collections | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IComparer<T> | System.Collections.Generic | none | interface | mscorlib | |
IDictionary | System.Collections | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IDictionary<TKey, TValue> | System.Collections.Generic | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IDictionaryEnumerator | System.Collections | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IDisposable | System | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IEnumerable | System.Collections | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IEnumerable<T> | System.Collections.Generic | none | interface | mscorlib | |
IEnumerator | System.Collections | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IEnumerator<T> | System.Collections.Generic | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IEqualityComparer<T> | System.Collections.Generic | none | interface | mscorlib | |
IEquatable<T> | System | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IFormatProvider | System | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IFormattable | System | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IHashCodeProvider | System.Collections | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IList | System.Collections | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IList<T> | System.Collections.Generic | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IndexOutOfRangeException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Int16 | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Int32 | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Int64 | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Interlocked | System.Threading | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
INullableValue | System | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
InvalidCastException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
InvalidOperationException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
InvalidProgramException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IOException | System.IO | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IPermission | System.Security | none | interface | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ISet<T> | System.Collections.Generic | none | interface | System | |
KeyNotFoundException | System.Collections.Generic | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
KeyValuePair<K, V> | System.Collections.Generic | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
LinkedList<T> | System.Collections.Generic | System.Object | class | System | |
LinkedList<T>.Enumerator | System.Collections.Generic | System.ValueType | structure | System | |
LinkedListNode<T> | System.Collections.Generic | System.Object | class | System | |
List<T> | System.Collections.Generic | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
List<T>.Enumerator | System.Collections.Generic | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ManualResetEvent | System.Threading | System.Threading.EventWaitHandle | class | mscorlib | |
MarshalByRefObject | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MemoryStream | System.IO | System.IO.Stream | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Monitor | System.Threading | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MulticastDelegate | System | System.Delegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
NotImplementedException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
NotSupportedException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Nullable<T> | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
NullReferenceException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
NumberFormatInfo | System.Globalization | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
NumberStyles | System.Globalization | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Object | System | root | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ObjectDisposedException | System | System.InvalidOperationException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ObsoleteAttribute | System | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
OutOfMemoryException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
OverflowException | System | System.ArithmeticException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Path | System.IO | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
PathTooLongException | System.IO | System.IO.IOException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
PermissionSet | System.Security | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
PermissionState | System.Security.Permissions | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Predicate<T> | System | System.MulticastDelegate | delegate | mscorlib | |
Queue<T> | System.Collections.Generic | System.Object | class | System | |
Random | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
RankException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SByte | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SecurityAction | System.Security.Permissions | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SecurityAttribute | System.Security.Permissions | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SecurityElement | System.Security | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SecurityException | System.Security | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SecurityPermission | System.Security.Permissions | System.Security.CodeAccessPermission | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SecurityPermissionAttribute | System.Security.Permissions | System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SecurityPermissionFlag | System.Security.Permissions | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SeekOrigin | System.IO | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Stack | System.Collections | System.Object | class | mscorlib | |
Stack<T>.Enumerator | System.Collections.Generic | System.ValueType | structure | System | |
Stack<T> | System.Collections.Generic | System.Object | class | System | |
StackOverflowException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Stream | System.IO | System.MarshalByRefObject | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
StreamReader | System.IO | System.IO.TextReader | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
StreamWriter | System.IO | System.IO.TextWriter | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
String | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
StringBuilder | System.Text | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
StringReader | System.IO | System.IO.TextReader | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
StringWriter | System.IO | System.IO.TextWriter | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SynchronizationLockException | System.Threading | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SystemException | System | System.Exception | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TextReader | System.IO | System.MarshalByRefObject | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TextWriter | System.IO | System.MarshalByRefObject | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Thread | System.Threading | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ThreadAbortException | System.Threading | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ThreadPriority | System.Threading | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ThreadStart | System.Threading | System.Delegate | delegate | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ThreadState | System.Threading | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ThreadStateException | System.Threading | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ThreadStaticAttribute | System | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Timeout | System.Threading | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Timer | System.Threading | System.MarshalByRefObject | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TimerCallback | System.Threading | System.Delegate | delegate | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TimeSpan | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Type | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TypeInitializationException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UInt16 | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UInt32 | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UInt64 | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UnauthorizedAccessException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UnicodeCategory | System.Globalization | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UnicodeEncoding | System.Text | System.Text.Encoding | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UTF8Encoding | System.Text | System.Text.Encoding | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ValueType | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
VerificationException | System.Security | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Version | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
WaitHandle | System.Threading | System.MarshalByRefObject | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
WeakReference | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | |
Runtime Infrastructure 庫
[編輯]名字 | 命名空間 | 基類型 | CIL類型 | Assembly名 | Assembly版本 |
AppDomain | System | System.MarshalByRefObject | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Assembly | System.Reflection | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
AssemblyLoadEventArgs | System | System.EventArgs | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
AssemblyLoadEventHandler | System | System.Delegate | delegate | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
BadImageFormatException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
CallingConvention | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
CallingConventions | System.Reflection | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | |
CannotUnloadAppDomainException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
CharSet | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
CompilationRelaxations | System.Runtime.CompilerServices | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
CompilationRelaxationsAttribute | System.Runtime.CompilerServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
DecimalConstantAttribute | System.Runtime.CompilerServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
DefaultMemberAttribute | System.Reflection | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
DllImportAttribute | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
EntryPointNotFoundException | System | System.TypeLoadException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FieldAccessException | System | System.MemberAccessException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FieldOffsetAttribute | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
GCHandle | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
GCHandleType | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
GuidAttribute | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | |
InAttribute | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IndexerNameAttribute | System.Runtime.CompilerServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IntPtr | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
IsVolatile | System.Runtime.CompilerServices | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
LayoutKind | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Marshal | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Object | class | mscorlib | |
MarshalAsAttribute | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MemberAccessException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MethodAccessException | System | System.MemberAccessException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MethodImplAttribute | System.Runtime.CompilerServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MethodImplOptions | System.Runtime.CompilerServices | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MissingFieldException | System | System.MissingMemberException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MissingMemberException | System | System.MemberAccessException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MissingMethodException | System | System.MissingMemberException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
OutAttribute | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ParamArrayAttribute | System | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
RuntimeFieldHandle | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
RuntimeHelpers | System.Runtime.CompilerServices | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
RuntimeMethodHandle | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
RuntimeTypeHandle | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
SafeBuffer | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle | class | mscorlib | |
SafeHandle | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Object | class | mscorlib | |
StructLayoutAttribute | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TypeForwardedFromAttribute | System.Runtime.CompilerServices | none | interface | mscorlib | |
TypeForwardedToAttribute | System.Runtime.CompilerServices | System.Attribute | class | mscorlib | |
TypeLoadException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TypeUnloadedException | System | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UIntPtr | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UnhandledExceptionEventArgs | System | System.EventArgs | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UnhandledExceptionEventHandler | System | System.Delegate | delegate | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
UnmanagedType | System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Network 庫
[編輯]名字 | 命名空間 | 基類型 | CIL類型 | Assembly名 | Assembly版本 |
AddressFamily | System.Net.Sockets | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
AuthenticationManager | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
Authorization | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
CredentialCache | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
Dns | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
DnsPermission | System.Net | System.Security.CodeAccessPermission | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
DnsPermissionAttribute | System.Net | System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
EndPoint | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
GlobalProxySelection | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
HttpContinueDelegate | System.Net | System.Delegate | delegate | System | 2.0.x.x |
HttpStatusCode | System.Net | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
HttpVersion | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
HttpWebRequest | System.Net | System.Net.WebRequest | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
HttpWebResponse | System.Net | System.Net.WebResponse | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
IAuthenticationModule | System.Net | none | interface | System | 2.0.x.x |
ICredentials | System.Net | none | interface | System | 2.0.x.x |
IPAddress | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
IPEndPoint | System.Net | System.Net.EndPoint | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
IPHostEntry | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
IWebProxy | System.Net | none | interface | System | 2.0.x.x |
IWebRequestCreate | System.Net | none | interface | System | 2.0.x.x |
LingerOption | System.Net.Sockets | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
MulticastOption | System.Net.Sockets | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
NameValueCollection | System.Collections.Specialized | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
NetworkAccess | System.Net | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
NetworkCredential | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
NetworkStream | System.Net.Sockets | System.IO.Stream | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
ProtocolType | System.Net.Sockets | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
ProtocolViolationException | System.Net | System.InvalidOperationException | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
SelectMode | System.Net.Sockets | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
ServicePoint | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
ServicePointManager | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
Socket | System.Net.Sockets | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
SocketAddress | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
SocketException | System.Net.Sockets | System.SystemException | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
SocketFlags | System.Net.Sockets | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
SocketOptionLevel | System.Net.Sockets | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
SocketOptionName | System.Net.Sockets | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
SocketPermission | System.Net | System.Security.CodeAccessPermission | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
SocketPermissionAttribute | System.Net | System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
SocketShutdown | System.Net.Sockets | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
SocketType | System.Net.Sockets | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
TransportType | System.Net | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
Uri | System | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
UriBuilder | System | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
UriFormatException | System | System.FormatException | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
UriHostNameType | System | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
UriPartial | System | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
WebClient | System.Net | System.MarshalByRefObject | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
WebException | System.Net | System.InvalidOperationException | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
WebExceptionStatus | System.Net | System.Enum | enumeration | System | 2.0.x.x |
WebHeaderCollection | System.Net | System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
WebPermission | System.Net | System.Security.CodeAccessPermission | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
WebPermissionAttribute | System.Net | System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
WebProxy | System.Net | System.Object | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
WebRequest | System.Net | System.MarshalByRefObject | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
WebResponse | System.Net | System.MarshalByRefObject | class | System | 2.0.x.x |
Reflection 庫
[編輯]名字 | 命名空間 | 基類型 | CIL類型 | Assembly名 | Assembly版本 |
AmbiguousMatchException | System.Reflection | System.SystemException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Binder | System.Reflection | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
BindingFlags | System.Reflection | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ConstructorInfo | System.Reflection | System.Reflection.MethodBase | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
CultureInfo | System.Globalization | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
EventAttributes | System.Reflection | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
EventInfo | System.Reflection | System.Reflection.MemberInfo | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FieldAttributes | System.Reflection | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
FieldInfo | System.Reflection | System.Reflection.MemberInfo | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
GenericParameterAttributes | System.Reflection | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MemberInfo | System.Reflection | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MethodAttributes | System.Reflection | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MethodBase | System.Reflection | System.Reflection.MemberInfo | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
MethodInfo | System.Reflection | System.Reflection.MethodBase | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Module | System.Reflection | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ParameterAttributes | System.Reflection | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ParameterInfo | System.Reflection | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ParameterModifier | System.Reflection | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
PropertyAttributes | System.Reflection | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
PropertyInfo | System.Reflection | System.Reflection.MemberInfo | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ReflectionPermission | System.Security.Permissions | System.Security.CodeAccessPermission | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ReflectionPermissionAttribute | System.Security.Permissions | System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ReflectionPermissionFlag | System.Security.Permissions | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TargetException | System.Reflection | System.ApplicationException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TargetInvocationException | System.Reflection | System.ApplicationException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TargetParameterCountException | System.Reflection | System.ApplicationException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TypeAttributes | System.Reflection | System.Enum | enumeration | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Void | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
[編輯]名字 | 命名空間 | 基類型 | CIL類型 | Assembly名 | - | Formatting | System.Xml | System.Enum | enumeration | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x |
NameTable | System.Xml | System.Xml.XmlNameTable | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
ReadState | System.Xml | System.Enum | enumeration | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
WhitespaceHandling | System.Xml | System.Enum | enumeration | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
WriteState | System.Xml | System.Enum | enumeration | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlConvert | System.Xml | System.Object | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlException | System.Xml | System.SystemException | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlNamespaceManager | System.Xml | System.Object | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlNameTable | System.Xml | System.Object | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlNodeType | System.Xml | System.Enum | enumeration | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlParserContext | System.Xml | System.Object | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlReader | System.Xml | System.Object | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlResolver | System.Xml | System.Object | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlSpace | System.Xml | System.Enum | enumeration | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlTextReader | System.Xml | System.Xml.XmlReader | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlTextWriter | System.Xml | System.Xml.XmlWriter | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x | ||||||
XmlUrlResolver | System.Xml | System.Xml.XmlResolver | class | System.Xml | 2.0.x.x |
Extended Array 庫
[編輯]Extended Array庫提供了非vector數組的支持。即這些數組多於一維或具有非零的下界。[1] Extended Array庫並不增加額外的數據類型,而是擴展了數組的處理機制。[2]
Extended Numerics庫
[編輯]名字 | 命名空間 | 基類型 | CIL類型 | Assembly名 | Assembly版本 |
Decimal | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Double | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Math | System | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
NotFiniteNumberException | System | System.ArithmeticException | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Single | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
Parallel Library
[編輯]Name | Namespace | Base type | CIL type | Assembly name | Assembly version |
ParallelEnvironment | System.Threading.Parallel | System.Object | class | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
ParallelFor | System.Threading.Parallel | System.Threading.Parallel.ParallelLoop<int32> | class | System.Threading.Parallel | 2.0.x.x |
ParallelForEach<T> | System.Threading.Parallel | System.Threading.Parallel.ParallelLoop<T> | class | System.Threading.Parallel | 2.0.x.x |
ParallelLoop<T> | System.Threading.Parallel | System.Object | class | System.Threading.Parallel | 2.0.x.x |
ParallelWhile<T> | System.Threading.Parallel | System.Threading.Parallel.ParallelLoop<T> | class | System.Threading.Parallel | 2.0.x.x |
Vararg 庫
[編輯]名字 | 命名空間 | 基類型 | CIL類型 | Assembly名 | Assembly版本 |
ArgIterator | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
RuntimeArgumentHandle | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
TypedReference | System | System.ValueType | structure | mscorlib | 2.0.x.x |
[編輯]- ^ IV.5.8 Extended array library. Standard ECMA-335 – Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) (技術報告) 6th. Ecma International: 441. June 2012 [2021-01-08]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-15).
- ^ King, Jason; Easton, Mark. Chapter 4: The NET Framework Dissected. Gilmore, Jason (編). Cross-Platform .NET Development: Using Mono, Portable.NET, and Microsoft .NET. Apress. 2004: 110. ISBN 1-59059-330-8. LCCN 2004018339.