威廉·雷蒙德·曼徹斯特(1922年4月1日 - 2004年6月1日) [1]是一位美國作家、傳記作家和歷史學家。他一共寫了18本書,被翻譯成20多種語言。 [2]
1947年,曼徹斯特開始擔任巴爾的摩太陽報記者,不久他遇到了記者H·L·孟肯,後者成為了他的朋友和導師, [3]曼徹斯特的碩士論文和第一本著作就以H·L·孟肯為主題。
1955年,曼徹斯特成為維思大學下屬出版社的編輯。 [4] 後來他成為該大學的歷史學兼職教授和駐校作家。 [3]
[編輯]- ^ Severo, Richard. William Manchester, Whose Biographies Detailed Power in the 20th Century, Dies at 82. The New York Times. June 2, 2004.
- ^ According to one writer, "Scholars generally disliked the biographies by Manchester. They were deemed superficial, anecdotal, hyperbolic, and hagiographic." Eugene L. Rasor, Winston S. Churchill, 1874–1965: A Comprehensive Historiography and Annotated Bibliography. Greenwood Press. 2000, p. 62.
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Filkins, Dexter. Ailing Churchill biographer says he can't finish trilogy. New York Times. August 14, 2001 [July 24, 2014].
- ^ Seidel, Rebecca. University To Unveil William Manchester Writings Amid Return of JFK Manuscript – Features. The Wesleyan Argus. January 29, 2010 [April 24, 2012].