存在與時間 | |
原名 | Sein und Zeit |
作者 | 馬丁·海德格爾 |
譯者 | 1962:陳嘉映、王慶節 |
類型 | 哲學著作[*] |
語言 | 德語(原著) |
主題 | 解構主義、存在主義、解釋學、現象學 |
發行資訊 | |
出版時間 | 1927年 |
出版地點 | 德國(原著) |
《存在與時間》(德語:Sein und Zeit)是德國哲學家馬丁·海德格爾於1927年發表的一部著作,雖然寫得很匆忙,且沒有完成他在導言中所做的計劃,但這本書仍然是他最重要的著作。深深影響了20世紀哲學,尤其是存在主義、解釋學和解構主義。
[編輯]《存在與時間》原計劃由兩部分組成,每一部分都包含三篇,海德格爾只寫完了第一部分的前兩篇,就被迫將其發表[1] 。原計劃中的其餘部分(尤其是關於時間與存在、康德和亞里士多德)從來沒有發表,儘管這些部分在海德格爾其餘著作中有所提及。在結構方面,內容保持着它最初發表時的樣子,它有一個分為兩章長篇且很重要的導論,「準備性的此在基礎分析」和「此在與時間性」。
如果領會了存在,就能澄清存在的意義或存在的知覺(Sinn des Seins),「知覺」一詞被海德格爾定義為「事物據此得以被理解[7]」。海德格爾認為,這種對存在的知覺優先於任何特殊的存在者或存在物的存在,無論這些存在物如何存在或以何種方式存在,它是前概念的、不可被命題的、前科學的[8]。因此在海德格爾看來,基礎存在論應是對理解的解釋,這種理解優先於任何認識方式,例如對邏輯、理論和具體存在論的使用[9] ,或者是反思的行為。同時,只有通過存在本身才能通達存在,因此對存在問題的追問必然意味着對一個存在者的存在的追問[10]。海德格爾主張,對存在的真正理解只有求助於特殊的存在者,因此追問存在的最好的辦法就必然是離不開一種解釋學的循環,也就是說必須依靠重複但漸進的解釋行為,方法論意義上的現象學描述就是解釋[11]。
[編輯]- ^ Sein und Zeit, pp. 39-40.
- ^ "存在與時間"2006年修訂譯本,第一頁.
- ^ In other words, being is distinguished from beings such as physical objects or even, as Heidegger explains in his discussion of the "worldhood of the World," that entire collection of things that constitutes the physical universe. To preserve Heidegger's distinction, translators usually render "Sein" as "being", the gerund of "to be", and "Seiend" (singlular) and "Seiendes" (plural) as the verb-derived noun "a being" and "beings," and occasionally, perhaps preferably, as "an entity" and "entities"."
- ^ "'Sein' ist nicht so etwas wie Seiendes." Sein und Zeit, p. 4.
- ^ "...das Sein, das, was Seiendes als Seiendes bestimmt, das, woraufhin Seiendes, mag es wie immer erörtert werden, je schon verstanden ist," ibid., p. 6.
- ^ In English, using the word "existence" instead of "being" might seem more natural and less confusing, but Heidegger, who stresses the importance of the origins of words, uses his understanding of grammar to assist in his investigation of "being," and he reserves the word "existence" to describe that defining type of being that Dasein (human consciousness) has.
- ^ "aus dem her etwas als etwas verständlich wird," Sein und Zeit, p. 151.
- ^ Ibid., pp. 8–9.
- ^ Ibid., p. 12.
- ^ Ibid., p. 7.
- ^ "der methodische Sinn der Phänomenologischen Deskription ist Auslegung," ibid., p. 37.
[編輯]- Martin Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, in Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe, volume 2, ed. F.-W. von Herrmann, 1977, XIV, 586p.
- Martin Heidegger, Being and Time (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), trans. by John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson (London: SCM Press, 1962).
- Martin Heidegger, Being and Time, trans. by Joan Stambaugh (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996).
[編輯]- Robert Bernasconi, "'The Double Concept of Philosophy' and the Place of Ethics in Being and Time," Heidegger in Question: The Art of Existing (New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1993).
- William D. Blattner, Heidegger's Temporal Idealism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).
- Taylor Carman, Heidegger's Analytic: Interpretation, Discourse, and Authenticity in "Being and Time" (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
- Jacques Derrida, "Ousia and Gramme: Note on a Note from Being and Time," Margins of Philosophy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982).
- Hubert Dreyfus, Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I (Cambridge, Massachusetts, & London: MIT Press, 1990).
- Christopher Fynsk, Heidegger: Thought and Historicity (Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1993, expanded edn.), ch. 1.
- Michael Gelven, A Commentary on Heidegger's "Being and Time" (Northern Illinois University Press; Revised edition, 1989).
- Magda King, A Guide to Heidegger’s Being and Time, edited by John Llewelyn (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001).
- Theodore Kisiel, The Genesis of Heidegger's Being and Time (Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993).
- William McNeill, The Glance of the Eye: Heidegger, Aristotle, and the Ends of Theory (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999), ch. 3–4.
- Jean-Luc Nancy, "The Decision of Existence," The Birth to Presence (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993).
- Cristian Ciocan (ed.), Translating Heidegger's Sein und Zeit, Studia Phaenomenologica V (2005)