


派翠可夫讨论页第一存档保存由 2004年9月 至 2006年8月 之留言。

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我觉得繁简体合一比较好,建议你可以直接去修改简体版本的条目,也可以看看目前对于繁简体的政策。--虎儿 12:14 2004年9月6日 (UTC)

Patrickov 回复:刚才在Talk: 拿破仑回应后不久已经观看。不过部份译名真的可能中、台、港有分别。我见好多台港人仕都译拿破仑的姓氏为“波那巴特”。

You did a good translation of 城市轨道交通系统 from the English WP! Good job. Way to go! --Menchi (讨论页)Â 21:31 2004年9月17日 (UTC)

欢迎在Wikipedia:香港维基人列表留名噜!-- ZZZ...很困 (对话、留言按这里) 22:35 2004年11月16日 (UTC)



谢谢你的提醒. 我再来会注意这一点. --wdshu|阿呆 00:12 2005年2月18日 (UTC)



碰巧今天来维基看看 (刚刚完成"维基中毒"综合症的第一周戒断期, 今天奖励自己两个小时), 发现你已封我为"执行编辑", 尽管我的注册时间已超过三个月, 但实际的编辑经历才有一个多月, 所以我还是有些惭愧. 不过我还是想对你给予的关注及嘉赏表示特别的感谢. --roc (中文用字指正) (TALK) 12:54 2005年4月19日 (UTC)




你好,初次见面,每一个人总有喜欢和喜欢写的东西,例如我喜欢托尔金,有人喜欢政治,有人喜欢语言,有人喜欢历史等等,我觉得托尔金是伟大的作家,作为托尔金迷,我认为自己有责任推广托尔金作品给人认识,也许你认为我只是托尔金,那又错了,我间中也写写不同种类的条目,而且我所推荐的条目也值得登上“你知道吗?”栏目,是不是﹖Iflwlou 16:40 2005年4月19日 (UTC)




更新你知道吗时,请勿忘记同时把条目放在Wikipedia:新条目推荐,及更改撰写者的对话页通知。可参看Wikipedia:新条目推荐/候选内的规则--Peterpan 18:22 2005年4月24日 (UTC)

大意搅错。抱歉抱歉。Peterpan 20:47 2005年4月25日 (UTC)

明白你的意见,请问应如何改善呢?可否提供一下方向,或者告诉我由那一句开至那句你觉得有问题,我会尽量改改。 但老实说,吴先生的地位是公应的,日本、中国以至全世界有下围棋的人都认同他老人家,都会尊称一声大师,那辈就只剩下他一位,这好像不是太违中立性吧? 小勇 18:11 2005年4月26日 (UTC)

不是有心挑衅,但介意我问一声,阁下之前有没有听过吴老先生的名字呢?或者你有没有下围棋呢?如果有,我们也可以日后在网上下一两手。如果你没有下围棋,或者对围棋的认识只是看过“棋魂”而已,那便难怪觉得我是吹嘘。我自己再看过一次,文章的确有些夸张,但吴先生的生平就是这样的呀,而“吴清源时代”、“昭和棋圣”及“天才神童”等,并不是我作的,确有其称号及围棋史区分时代,你可以看看网上的资料呀。麻烦了你,不好意思! 小勇 18:28 2005年4月26日 (UTC)

派翠可夫回应:谢谢您的关心,我是真的懂下围棋的,但我没看过棋魂。相反,我有看过吴先生所著的书,所以在某些的层面上我是略知一二的。我只是把这个条目以一个百科全书的标准下评,因为我似乎不能从条目获得比我现在有的那本书更多的资料,而且措词上有点不当... 主要是你在我留言之后删去的那一段。



现在的维基创作奖图标感觉很好,把它换上吧,谢谢你的工作,辛苦了!--维游 (^o^) 怎样做出漂亮的签名 10:42 2005年4月28日 (UTC)







您上传的Image:City Factory.jpg缺少来源和版权信息,请根据wikipedia:图像版权标志添加相应信息,否则图像可能会被删除--百無一用是書生 () 19:45 2005年5月19日 (UTC)

回应:已增设 PD-self 讯息 -- 派翠可夫 (我的讨论处) 14:32 2005年5月20日 (UTC)




目前已投票决定年会日期为2006年8月26日-8月27日举行( http://0rz.net/1110P ),2月19日起开始进行年会地点的选择投票( http://0rz.net/4114e )。


  1. 先进行为期2星期的第一轮投票,所有在投票前注册的维基人都可以参与投票(每人投任意票)和讨论,选出支持率最高的前3名的城市。
  2. 一星期讨论并确定各个城市的举办条件,并进行SWOT分析(优点、弱点、机会、威胁),讨论并进行审核确定符合条件的城市。
  3. 如果有2个以上城市符合基本条件,进行为期一星期的维基见习编辑参与的第二轮投票(建议结合,个人可能出席的城市)。

--Jasonzhuocn...._交流 05:44 2006年2月22日 (UTC)




另外,将于八月在香港举行的中文维基年会的筹备工作已经开展,现在香港工作小组很需要您的加入,我们十分期待您的参与!小组在4月12日(星期三)有会议,详情请见这里。 --香港宾拉登 15:49 2006年4月9日 (UTC)



encyclopedist (对话页) 08:55 2006年5月6日 (UTC)

Cable TV


I fail to see what the fuss is about. As it can clearly be seen and proven in the articles, I have already provided this stub: "积极编辑或修订扩充其内容" so that EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE, EDIT AND EXPAND ITS CONTENTS, you included. I can only play my SMALL part on Wikipedia by providing what information I do know. I don't know about you but I am not a know-it-all person. In fact, there are many things I do not know.

Correct me if I am wrong, isn't that what Wikipedia is all about? Tit-bits of information gathered into a large, huge pool of information? I have followed correct Wikipedian procedures such as Categorisation and licensing, as is proven above. In other words, I have done nothing wrong. If anything, quite the opposite.

And thus, I fail to see what your logic is. If what you say can stand up, then there is absolutely no point in participating in Wikipedia at all. No-one would be bothered to pitch in his or her own information on a particular subject, however little and unimportant. Simply because, every single time they contribute what little information they have on a subject, somebody would come along and scare the living daylights out of them. Or worse, they feel degraded, berated, belittled and never again would they have anything to do with Wikipedia. If someebody has what little information he/she has and decides to put it on Wikipedia, then GOOD ON THEM!! They should not be criticised by offering "too little information". I believe that's exactly what you are castigating me for.

Your comment is unfair and your treatment, to all those who can only offer what LITTLE information they have, is shabby. Your attitude is skewed and unhelpful. I put it to you: Is that what Wikipedia is about? No wonder somebody has felt so depressed and desperate to withdraw completely from Chinese WIkipedia recently. Such killjoy atmosphere is suffocating.

Wilfred Pau 06:56 2006年8月10日 (UTC)

  1. Wikipedia:不适合维基百科的文章
  2. Wikipedia:小作品
  1. 那些记者有甚么贡献是很值得大家知道的?
  2. 以大家能掌握的资讯,那些条目还能增长多少?
像现今人物这类项目,若他们不是鼎鼎大名或对社会有很大贡献,我们很难写得足够长。虽然那些记者每天都在我们的电视机出现,但关于他们的资料,不会比关于我们本身的资料多。如果他们也能立条目,是不是应该也有一条关于我们的条目 (留意不是用户页)?
若果你认为为我们建立条目 (不是用户页) 不合理,那我希望你也明白我提出的质疑也是一样。
派翠可夫 (我的讨论处) 07:55 2006年8月10日 (UTC)
Likewise, thanks for your reply.
I reckon we should set up some sort of criteria to guage what that "bar" is. I also reckon that defining that "bar" would be quite difficult, as there are no "visitor counters", or anything of that sort. Do we then make our decision upon the "frequency" of editing history? If we accept it as the deciding criteria, how fair is it to conclude from that, that the "viewing" frequency is also unacceptably low? Even if you use the counter as a deciding factor for deletion, what level is deemed "worthy"? We would have a terribly hard time deciding it.
As for now, we could only delete them by hand and by consensus. I strongly suggest to you that you immediately put it to a vote and delete them by consensus. Delete them all. Frankly, I have lost all appetite editing articles as an editor on Chinese Wikipedia. Do your job Patrick, I believe it's your job.Wilfred Pau 09:13 2006年8月10日 (UTC)
我没有要求过删除你的文章,也不拟要求。我既然把问题提出讨论,我的目的就不是删除。我只是提出一个意见,希望减少您将来创立条目被删除的机会。如果可以的话,我会尽力扩充我所知道的 (参阅林建诚)
条目应否成立的准则不易确定,这确是不容否定的事实。不过可以肯定的一点是:就算只有你一个人看,也不代表条目不应该存在 (事实上我们也无从确定这数据)
最后,希望您不要因为有人资疑自己建条目的行为而灰心。没有人一开始便能写好条目的。我以前写的还要差。 派翠可夫 (我的讨论处) 09:38 2006年8月10日 (UTC)
Look Patrick, they are not MY own articles. They have not been mine before. They are not mine now. They never will be mine in the future. I don't view them as such, have never viewed them as such. I am quite happy to sit back and watch it 'grow', if you get my gist, even if I have nothing further to contribute. They are for everybody's. I am not a Freddy-Cougar-looking zealous nanny holding onto the crying baby.
Look Patrick, I feel you are a good bloke. I feel you are just trying to do your job. Whatever that means. :P I feel you are sincere enough as a person. It's not the silly -season, so let us not start, agreed?
I admit I was a quite hurt by your headline of: 滥制条目 cause I was wondering: 'Which ones is he talking about? Surely he doesn't mean all of them.' This is quite a damaging headline akin to being labelled some kind of criminal. It might not have had that sort of effect but it felt like it. Know what I mean? I have never been a Wiki vandal and never will. I hope you get my drift. So it made me sad to see such a heading. I will try and lift my Wiki standards.
Honestly I must get away from here for a while. It's stifling. Wiki's killing me literally. Too much time spent on Wiki is certainly not good for your social, family life and your health. You too Patrick. That's from the bottom of my heart. Wilfred Pau 10:26 2006年8月10日 (UTC)
Replied 派翠可夫 (我的讨论处) 12:32 2006年8月10日 (UTC)

It is taking a toll on me personally. My shoulder aches from too much hunching forward over the keyboard. I got so sucked into the discussion with you yesterday that I had delayed my meal and became so starved and dehydrated. This is absurd. This is daft. This is total bonkers. This is insanity personified. This is not how I want to live my life. This is definitely not how God would want me to spend my life. I must take more time to live in the real world, care for my church friends, smell the roses so to speak. I've had my fun, now's the time to live the Joy.Wilfred Pau 02:40 2006年8月11日 (UTC)