
File:Flag of Labrador.svg


原始檔案 (SVG 檔案,表面大小:750 × 375 像素,檔案大小:10 KB)

English: Flag of Labrador
Français : Drapeau du Labrador

Quoting en:wiki

This flag is meant to be a permanent declaration of the unique identity of the people of Labrador and their common heritage. The top white bar represents the snows, the one element which, more than any other, coloured our culture and dictated our life styles. The bottom blue bar represents the waters of our rivers, lakes and oceans. The waters have been our highways, like the snows, and nurtured our fish and wildlife. The centre green bar represents the land. The green and bountiful land is the connecting element that unites our three diverse cultures.
The symbolic spruce twig was chosen because the spruce tree is the one thing that is common to all geographic areas of Labrador. It has provided our shelter, transport, fuel, and, in an indirect way, our food and clothing since the spruce forests became the environment for the wildlife which gave us meat for our tables, skins for our clothing and trade. It was from the spruce that we sawed our planks and timber for our boats, komatiks and houses. The three branches of the spruce twig represents the three races, the Inuit; the Indian and the European settlers. The twig growing from one stalk represents the common origin of people regardless of race. The twig is in two sections, or year’s growths. The outer growth is longer than the inner growth. This occurs because in the good growing years the twig grows longer than in the poor years. Thus, the inner and shorter sprig reminds us of times past, while the longer sprig represents our hope for the future. This is our flag and a symbol of faith in ourselves and the future, our pride of heritage and our respect for the land and the dignity of people.


[[File:Flag of Labrador.svg|border|96x176px]]

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Author: WarX


Flag of Labrador



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目前2016年4月10日 (日) 09:38於 2016年4月10日 (日) 09:38 版本的縮圖750 × 375(10 KB)Zscout370http://theindependent.ca/2014/04/16/colour-correcting-injustice-in-the-big-land/ for specs and colors source (hex obtained from pantone)
2006年9月22日 (五) 13:54於 2006年9月22日 (五) 13:54 版本的縮圖750 × 375(13 KB)LexiconReposition twig
2006年9月22日 (五) 13:51於 2006年9月22日 (五) 13:51 版本的縮圖750 × 375(13 KB)LexiconTwig more true to suggested design.
2006年9月1日 (五) 19:28於 2006年9月1日 (五) 19:28 版本的縮圖750 × 375(41 KB)Lexicon
2006年9月1日 (五) 13:26於 2006年9月1日 (五) 13:26 版本的縮圖750 × 375(15 KB)LexiconColours more true to the original.
2006年2月21日 (二) 17:59於 2006年2月21日 (二) 17:59 版本的縮圖750 × 375(15 KB)Denelson83Reconstructed according to construction sheet at [http://www.fotw.net/flags/ca-nl-lb.html Flags of the World]

