Source: en.wikipedia
(del) (cur) 04:29, 29 August 2005 . . Riumplus (Talk) . . 512x512 (69521 bytes) (Losslessly recompressed the image, shrinking file size by 12%)
(del) (rev) 04:59, 23 November 2004 . . AndrewKepert (Talk) . . 512x512 (78940 bytes) (new version - better framing)
(del) (rev) 08:00, 3 November 2004 . . AndrewKepert (Talk) . . 512x512 (34165 bytes) (J64)
Johnson solid #64
Another attempt at using user:Cyp's w:en:User:Cyp/Poly.pov povray macros to automatically find faces and edges. I will update the source once I have a few more Johnson solids under control. See talk:Johnson solid for progress.
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英文 Augmented tridiminished icosahedron
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目前 2006年3月16日 (四) 10:18 512 × 512(68 KB) Jidari Source: en.wikipedia *(del) (cur) 04:29, 29 August 2005 . . Riumplus (Talk) . . 512x512 (69521 bytes) (Losslessly recompressed the image, shrinking file size by 12%) *(del) (rev) 04:59, 23 November 2004 . . AndrewKepert (Talk) . . 512x512 (78940 bytes) (
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