原始檔案 (SVG 檔案,表面大小:685 × 995 像素,檔案大小:541 KB)
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters The Borders and the Isle of Man" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters Central Scotland" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters East of England" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters Lancashire" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters London" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters Midlands" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters North-East England" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters North-East Scotland" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters Northern Ireland" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters South of England" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters South-West England" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters Wales and West of England" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"ITV 405 line VHF TV transmitters Yorkshire" , mb21 UK Broadcast Transmission, accessed 3 February 2019
"The ITA transmitter network" , April 1969, The Independent Television Authority, accessed online 3 February 2019
"ITV 1975 Guide to Independent Television" , December 1974, The Independent Broadcasting Authority, accessed online 3 February 2019
姓名標示: Dr Greg and NordNordWest
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