User:YFdyh000/langlinks replace.js
注意:保存之后,你必须清除浏览器缓存才能看到做出的更改。Google Chrome、Firefox、Microsoft Edge及Safari:按住⇧ Shift键并单击工具栏的“刷新”按钮。参阅Help:绕过浏览器缓存以获取更多帮助。
//based on [[User:喵/langlinks_replace.js]]
// To apply this script on the current article, open the EDIT page of the article, and use this bookmarklet:
// javascript:importScriptURI("");
// After quries, the wikilinks in the editbox will be replaced by its corresponding article in ZHWP.
// Please do NOT save the replaced article. Instead, copy the content to ZHWP.
// <nowiki>
(function (mw, $) {
var api = new mw.Api();
var wlregex = /\[\[([^:|\]]+)(\|[^\]]*)?\]\]/g;
var map = {};
var requests = [];
var current = 0;
var textbox = $('#wpTextbox1');
var wikitext = textbox.val();
if (textbox.length === 0) {
alert('This script must be run on the EDIT page.');
var request_langlink = function (articles, opt_llcontinue) {
var req = {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
titles: articles.join('|'),
prop: 'langlinks',
redirects: 'follow',
lllimit: '500',
req = $.extend({}, req, opt_llcontinue); // or Object.assign()
return api.get(req);
var query_complete = function (data) {
var sitecode =".")[0];
var pages = data.query.pages;
for (var p in pages)
var ll = pages[p].langlinks;
for (var i in ll) {
if (ll[i].lang == "zh") {
map[pages[p].title] = ll[i]["*"];
var redirects = data.query.redirects;
if (redirects) {
for (var i in redirects) {
map[redirects[i].from] = map[redirects[i].to];
var norm = data.query.normalized;
if (norm) {
for (var i in norm) {
map[norm[i].from] = map[norm[i].to];
// todo: check {{Lowercase}}, like iOS, macOS, etc.
if (data["continue"]) {
} else {
if (current >= requests.length) {
var result = wikitext.replace(
function (s) {
// tools: and for review regex
// Example: [[JavaServer Pages|JSP]]
// q got: Array [ "[[JavaServer Pages|JSP]]", "JavaServer Pages", "|JSP" ]
var q = /\[\[([^:|\]]+)(\|[^\]]*)?\]\]/g.exec(s); // new same regex for avoid touching exec();
var re = map[q[1]]; // re got: "JSP"
//if (!re) return s;
// ref: {{le}}, {{link-en}}, etc.
if (!re) return s.replace(/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/, '{{tsl|' + sitecode + '|$1}}');
if (q[2] && q[2].replace('|', '') == re) return s.replace(q[1] + '|', ''); // keep one only if s1 and s2 are same string.
return s.replace(q[1], re); // replace the target page to localized pages
$('#wpSave').attr('disabled', true); // todo: response to undo action.
} else {
request_langlink(requests[current], {}).done(query_complete);
// todo: improve or refactoring
// todo: can't ingest pagetitle like "xx: xx". how to resolve namespaces.
var match = wlregex.exec(wikitext);
var t = [];
while (match !== null) {
match = wlregex.exec(wikitext);
var chunk = 50;
while (t.length > 0)
requests.push(t.splice(0, chunk));
request_langlink(requests[current], {}).done(query_complete);
})(mediaWiki, jQuery);
// </nowiki>