File:20160507 China 6087 crop Jiayuguan sRGB (29881729872).jpg
原始文件 (3,397 × 2,551像素,文件大小:734 KB,MIME类型:image/jpeg)
描述20160507 China 6087 crop Jiayuguan sRGB (29881729872).jpg |
The “front door of China,” the western gate of the restored Jiayu Pass fort. The fort was not only a defense against barbarians but also a means of controlling goods and people in and out of the kingdom. An old tradition for departing travelers was to throw a stone at the fortress wall, a rebound signifying a safe return to China. Construction of the fort began in 1372 and was completed 168 years later in 1540. With walls 11m/36ft high and 733m/2,400ft around, it was known as "The Strongest Pass Under Heaven," The Jiayu Pass was the very western end of the Great Wall during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) and an important waystation along the Silk Road which passed through here starting in the 1st century BCE. The pass is the narrowest point of the western portion of the Hexi Corridor, a 1,000 km/620 mile-long stretch of oases wedged between the Gobi Desert to the north and the Tibetan Plateau to the south. The Great Wall was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. The Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014. (Chang'an, now Xi'an, is in eastern China and Tianshan is a system of mountain ranges in the border region of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Xinjiang in Northwest China.) [The term ‘Silk Road’ was coined in 1877 by German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen. The Silk Road contributed not only to the exchange of goods and technologies, but also to the mutual enrichment of cultures and traditions of different peoples. Direct maritime trade between Europe and the Far East ultimately supplanted the overland route.] On Google Earth: Pass Tower at Jiayu Pass Fort 39°48'3.86"N, 98°12'53.30"E |
日期 | |
来源 | 20160507_China_6087 crop Jiayuguan sRGB |
作者 | Dan Lundberg |
相机位置 | 39° 48′ 03.63″ 北, 98° 12′ 50.66″ 东 | 在以下服务上查看本图像和附近其他图像: OpenStreetMap | 39.801007; 98.214071 |
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这幅图片原始出处为Flickr的 ,作者为Dan Lundberg 。经机器人FlickreviewR 2在2023年10月4日审查后确定为采用cc-by-sa-2.0的协议授权使用。 |
知识共享署名-相同方式共享2.0通用 简体中文(已转写)
39°48'3.625"N, 98°12'50.656"E
摄影器材 简体中文(已转写)
曝光时间 简体中文(已转写)
0.0008 秒
6.1 毫米
7 5 2016
752,103 字节
2,551 像素
3,397 像素
日期/时间 | 缩略图 | 大小 | 用户 | 备注 | |
当前 | 2023年10月4日 (三) 09:18 | 3,397 × 2,551(734 KB) | Kcx36 | Transferred from Flickr via #flickr2commons |
相机制造商 | Canon |
相机型号 | Canon PowerShot G11 |
曝光时间 | 1/1,250秒(0.0008) |
光圈值 | f/4 |
感光度(ISO) | 80 |
数据生成日期时间 | 2016年5月7日 (六) 16:02 |
镜头焦距 | 6.1毫米 |
标签 | |
JPEG文件备注 | Optimized by JPEGmini 0xd2e88d37 |
水平分辨率 | 240 dpi |
垂直分辨率 | 240 dpi |
使用软件 | Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 Windows |
文件修改日期时间 | 2016-08-05T23:50:42+20:00 |
Exif版本 | 2.2 |
数字化日期时间 | 2016年5月7日 (六) 16:02 |
APEX快门速度 | 10.287712 |
APEX光圈 | 4 |
APEX曝光补偿 | 0 |
最大光圈 | 2.96875 APEX(f/2.8) |
测光模式 | 多区 |
闪光灯 | 闪光灯未点亮、闪光灯强制关闭 |
焦平面X分辨率 | 5,479.4520547945 |
焦平面Y分辨率 | 5,479.4520547945 |
焦平面分辨率单位 | 英寸 |
感光方法 | 单芯片彩色区域传感器 |
文件来源 | 数码相机 |
曝光模式 | 自动曝光 |
白平衡 | 自动白平衡 |
数字变焦比率 | 1 |
场景拍摄类型 | 标准 |
使用的镜头 | 6.1-30.5 mm |
评分(满分5分) | 1 |
元数据最后修改日期 | 2016年8月6日 (六) 19:50 |
原始文件唯一ID | 138CC0C91374A931D066121C62EF0446 |
IIM版本 | 2 |